Metal Gear Solid Creator - Hideo Kojima and his team in Costa Rica!
Hola Gente que tal?
Solo queria compartir esta INCREIBLE noticia de tener en nuestro país a uno de los MÁS GRANDES creadores de videojuegos, su nombre es: Hideo Kojima el creador de una de las sagas mas importantes de la historia de los videojuegos: Metal Gear Solid. Tambien a venido con su equipo al parecer pueden estar recopilando informacion para el PeaceWalker HD??? o sera que tienen en mente un proyecto nuevo???
Para no aburrirlos con la hablada, voy a poner algunos twitts q el mismo Kojima a puesto en la web con su aventura aqui en Costa Rica, empezando por la semana pasado donde llego a la zona de Liberia - Guanacaste:
Kojima: Arrived at Liberia airport. Hot and humid. A cloud of moth welcomed us. Driving through the dark.
Kojima: Don't know why, but am having Japanese fried rice at the middle of the night in Costa Rica.
Kojima: Unexpectedly, I had painkillers on a rough road. Hope to be able to see Morpho and quetzal.
Kojima: Costa Rica coffee
Kojima: Location hunting for a project.
Kojima: Full if creatures. Iguana heaven. Keep getting mosquito bite.
Kojima: As far as I can see, its green.
Kojima: Beautiful
Kojima: A mtg. to decide the future of Latin America. We have to focus on Mexico, Brazil and Chile from now on. Hired Horge this year who speaks Spanish, English and Japanese. Now looking for a native Portuguese speaker. Lay weight on Brazil. The waves are still heavy.
Kojima: Am having an interview tomorrow morning. Then lunch mtg. and an event in the afternoon.
Kojima: Breakfast before an interview. Costa Rica banana.
Kojima: Emitted 2 weeks ago? 1000 colon bill.
Kojima: A beach house for a coverage. FYI, since this photo was taken by anyone else, it is not great :)
Kojima: With Mr. Eric who is in charge of Konami Latin. Am wearing a Gaudi's dragon T-shirt from Barcelona.
Kojima: Maybe a bit tight :)
Kojima: A beach house for the local. This is just behind my room
Kojima: TV coverage is still going on.
Kojima: 6 coverages in a row. Jorge is doing really good. His translation is great.
Kojima: Finished all the coverage. Ceremonial photo with everyone. Since I had an allergic reaction to any of medicine from Mexico,
Kojima: Finished signing to everyone and for a banner. This is very beautiful place. I deny myself swimming after the coverage,
Kojima: When I wear "Curl Ojisan" T-shirt in Costa Rica, people ask me "What's that?" :)
De momento les pongo este poquito de informacion sobre el viaje importante de Hideo Kojima con su equipo, para mas info pueden ir a los dos links que les deje abajo:
Para los FANS q gusten seguirlo pueden unirse a su twitter por medio de este link
Tambien para los que quieran ver mas fotos del viaje sigan este link:
Que madre yo estaba ahí y no sabía que Kojima iba a estar!!! Que mala suerte! Y lo peor es que hoy me topé con el grupo de mejicanos que salen en la foto grupal en el aeropuerto el diriá!